

Sports Medicine of Excellence


José Gomes Pereira is a very intuitive individual that in the very early stages of his life, knew what path he would set upon. His approach, being very wise and knowledgeable, ensured that he would achieve the position he has today. Gomes Pereira’s expertise and humility are priceless attributes he carries everywhere he goes. All of this, together with his extraordinary sports clinic, defines him as one of the greatest doctors, especially in sports medicine

He was one of the greatest swimmers of his generation, representing Portugal at the Olympic Games, European and World Championships setting over 150 records. This has greatly contributed to his thorough understanding of the dynamics of an athlete. Carrying these enriching experiences, he went on to get degrees in Physical Education and Medicine. He is a distinguished professor (“Catedrático”) and lectures at several prestigious Universities alongside with being prolifically published with more than 140 books in his field.

His experience is enormously vast. From medaled athletes which compete in Olympic Games, European and World Championships, to the Olympic Committee, Portugal National Team of football, Orchestrator of the Sports department unit in the British Hospital, National Team doctor for several sports, Fellow & Professional Member of ECSS (European College of Sport Science), and ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine). Last but not least, beyond owning his exquisite medical institution, he was notably the chief of Sporting Clube de Portugal’s Medical Department for more than a decade which coincided with their last National Championship.
